“Do what you can, Use what you have, and Trust God to bless.”
Pray God’s promises; then watch God work in the lives of your children.
Mothers are busy. I had great desires and good intentions that were wonderful, but often faded into the background of urgent necessities. My moments passed into days, … the days to weeks, …then months, …and before I knew it, years were gone and my good intentions never realized. What was important had been lost.
This calendar is designed to help as you meet with God for yourself and your children. Take the moments where you are in your daily duties: at the kitchen sink, in the bathroom, driving the car, or wherever you find yourself, to turn the routine duties into eternal investments.
Our influence, even as mothers, is limited. But not God’s! Your gift of prayers will touch their life in ways that, naturally speaking, would be impossible if left to our own resources. Pray focusing on godly character and maturity for your children. As you pray, you tap into the greatest resource and power – God’s.
Scripture verses are the impetus of the daily character qualities for Biblical, godly living. Start by putting the mirror before your own life. Remember, our values are more often caught than taught! The hymn will also encourage you throughout the day to practice the truth in your own life.
Leave a Legacy that is priceless, can’t be stolen or wasted. Unlike tangible gifts that require money and are only temporal anyway, anyone can give this gift. It only requires a heart that is available, believing in God and His truth.
The ripples from your prayers, like a pebble dropped in still water, will follow throughout the years of time for generations to come. Repercussions will pass from your child to all those they meet.
Like a sweet perfume, you also will delight in seeing God’s work in their lives and beyond to others, and join the Apostle John in saying, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth.” (3 John v.4)
Even though all I can do is pray, do I? I trust this calendar will be multiplied in blessing to you and yours.